A Message from Matteo Mecacci, President of International Campaign for Tibet
Dear Friend of Tibet,

And yet, when you spend time in his presence, what’s abundantly clear is his own gratitude-for you, for the compassion that you generate, and for your efforts to help the people of Tibet.
He will turn 81 on July 6 – a most auspicious occasion and a fitting time to honor his continuing leadership as an ambassador of peace.
Along with thousands of others, I was fortunate to experience His Holiness’ presence during his visit to Washington, DC last week. All of us here at the International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) were particularly privileged to hear His Holiness speak about ICT, and express gratitude for our members’ ongoing efforts.
I took the opportunity to share my gratitude with the Dalai Lama last week. I’ve also added my name to ICT’s birthday greetings-and I hope that you will too!
Thank you,

Matteo Mecacci