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The inaugural China Forum is a two-day conference in Washington, D.C. bringing together scholars from China with top experts and policy makers in the areas of trade and economics, foreign policy and security studies, and political development. The goal is to enable Americans to understand China in a more realistic and comprehensive way.
Thursday, November 5, 2015 The Library of Congress (Members’ Room)
10 First Street SE, Washington, D.C. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 9:00-9:10 am OPENING OF THE CHINA FORUM
Marion Smith
Executive Director, Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation 9:10-10:30 am THE COMMUNIST PARTY’S PATH TO POWER
A discussion of how the Chinese Communist Party came to rule more than 1.3 billion people, how the People’s Republic of China has evolved since the era of Chairman Mao, and why key episodes of 20th century history are now contested as core issues in China’s foreign policy. Panelists:
Dr. Frank Dikötter Humanities Chair, University of Hong Kong Dr. Lee Edwards Chairman, Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation Dr. Wang Dan Adjunct Professor, Tsinghua University of Taiwan 10:30 am Congressional Remarks:
Representative Robert Pittenger
North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District 10:50 am-12:30 pm CHINA’S ROLE IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE & GLOBAL ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS
Arguments for China’s membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) and other international economic organizations are often based on assumptions that increasing trade and greater economic interdependence will lead to legal and political reforms in the PRC. With China now presenting alternatives to these institutions and with the U.S. pursuing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement that explicitly excludes China, what role does China play in a rules-based, free enterprise global order? Panelists:
Dr. William T. Wilson Senior Research Fellow, The Heritage Foundation Bill Reinsch President, National Foreign Trade Council Prof. David Yeliang Xia Visiting Fellow, Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity 12:30-1:30 pm Buffet Lunch
Congressional Remarks: Representative Chris Smith
New Jersey’s 4th Congressional District 1:30-3:15 pm IS CHINA THREATENING U.S. NATIONAL INTERESTS?
Despite economic interdependence and decades of cooperation in military exercises, technological transfers, disease research, and educational exchange, the United States and China increasingly differ on the key issues that will define global order in the 21st century. From competing trade blocs to contested sea lanes and from cyberspace to outer space, potential for conflict abounds. Panelists:
Dr. Michael Auslin Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute Dr. Christopher Ford Chief Investigative Counsel, U.S. Senate Banking Committee Dr. Yu Maochun Professor, U.S. Naval Academy 3:15-3:30 pm Coffee Break
Beyond fundamental questions about political structures and consent of the governed in China, the world’s most populous country faces immense challenges in the 21st century. For the first time ever, China’s Communist Party openly addressed the matter of its legitimacy earlier this year. From ecological concerns and demographic crises to systemic corruption and economic downturns in its state-managed economy, can the current Communist leadership effectively govern the people of China? Panelists:
Cao Yaxue Writer Alex Chow Secretary General, Hong Kong Federation of Students Reggie Littlejohn President, Women’s Rights Without Frontiers Wang Juntao President, China Democracy Party Whole Country Committee 5:00 pm Reception
Hyatt Hotel Capitol Hill
400 New Jersey Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. BY INVITATION ONLY Confirmed Registration Required for Admittance 6:00 pm Reception
7:00 pm Dinner & Presentation of Truman-Reagan Medal of Freedom
Chen Guangcheng
Legal Scholar and Civil Rights Activist AGENDA
Friday, November 6, 2015 Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
300 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. BY INVITATION ONLY Confirmed Registration Required for Admittance 9:00-10:20 am TAIWAN’S PATH FORWARD
Rachael Burton Research Fellow, Project 2049 Institute Dr. Wang Dan Adjunct Professor, Tsinghua University of Taiwan Dr. Hao Yeh Professor, National Chengchi University (Taiwan) 10:20-10:30 am Coffee Break
10:30-11:30 am VOICES FROM HONG KONG
Alex Chow Secretary General, Hong Kong Federation of Students Dr. Frank Dikötter Humanities Chair, University of Hong Kong Andrew To Former Chairman, League of Social Democrats (Hong Kong) 11:40 am-12:30 pm WHAT DOES XI JINPING’S LEADERSHIP MEAN FOR CHINA AND THE WORLD?
Henry Li Director, Chinese Scholars Friendship Association Li Jinjin President, Hu Yaobang & Zhao Ziyang Memorial Foundation Yu Jie Author 12:30-1:30 pm Lunch
A Discussion of Human Rights and Cultural Trends in China Today Panelists:
Hu Ping Chief Editor of Beijing Spring Dr. Yang Jianli President, Initiatives for China Kody Kness Vice President, China Aid Hosted By:
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