Dr. Yang Jianli, distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
It is my great privilege to attend this 13th Interethnic and Interfaith Leadership Conference organized by the Citizen Power Initiative for China. Today, the 10th December is very special day for Tibetans, a day of joy and celebration because, on this Day, in 1989 HHDL was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Tibetans and supporters around the globe, celebrates the day with much excitement, joy and pride. Thank You for organizing your important conference on this special day.
It has been almost sixty years for His Holiness and some 150,000 Tibetans to leave his homeland and fled into exile. It is also sixty years, that Tibetans endured endless suffering under the brutally repressive regime of Communist China. CCCP regime has tried every means from coercion to population transfer to allurement to indoctrination to wipe out Tibetan people and it’s rich cultural heritage from the face of this earth. The policies aimed at cultural assimilation, political sinicisation, economic marginalization and environmental destruction of Tibetan people were carried out fiercely in Tibet. But we, Tibetans in and outside, have refused to be eliminated. On the other hand, Tibetan people have under the leadership of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Central Tibetan Administration; have not only kept the issue of Tibet alive but also revived its religion and culture in exile. Our Leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has said and rightly, that ” the Winds of evil may blow, but it can not extinguish the flames of Truth”. Our cause is based on Truth and justice is what we are working for.
Today is also Human Rights Day, as declared by the UN some 50 years ago. It is a profound day for the entire humanity. Unfortunately, we see a rampant violation and abuse of Human Rights in many countries by many governments. Most notable is the Communist regime in China. There is widespread abuse of HR in China across ethnicities, faiths and belief, for example, Tibetans, Uighurs, Mongolian and Chinese. All these communities are facing deprivation of basic HR in their own countries like, religious freedom, expression and dignity and rule of law. All of them are suffering the atrocities of Chinese regime. More than 153 Tibetans from all walks of live, young and old, monks and nuns men and women, burnt themselves in final bid to attract world attention to their aspirations which is- to let HHDL return to Tibet and restore freedom for Tibetan people. I hope the world will recognize that these 153 are not just dummies or just number. They are real Human Beings like you and me. Tashi Wangchuk got sentenced to five years to jail, for asking opportunity for our younger children to learn Tibetan language in schools. Panchen Lama was abdicated 25 years ago and we have sign of whether he is alive or not. Monasteries are destroyed to the half and CCP party officials, who are atheist, barged into the monasteries and manage it. These are very unfortunate. Uigyur Muslims are currently facing massive clampdown, perhaps one of the biggest in modern history. Churches are desecrated similarly. It is very unfortunate that we are supposed to be celebrating today as HR day. How can one celebrate this Day when there are so much HR abuses? What is the meaning of HRD and in fact, UN itself when nothing can be done? International community needs to do stand up against these so that UN and other agencies like UNHCR do not become a mockery. May I appeal through this forum to the US Government to lead the crusade against these perpetrators?
We understand that economic developments are import for a country and people. However, there are values on which US was founded. It is unfortunate to bargain these cherished values against some economic gains. It is important to understand that just as we need China, China needs you perhaps more. So, it is not only one way (China way) and should not be that way. However, recent global push back so to say, on China because, of her long arms stretching out and intruding in various avenues of life, is a positive sign. I dare say, that the International community has at least woken up from deep slumber before, China gobbles/swallows it up.
In regard to Tibet issue, to me, what is becoming clear is that they want the country and its resources but not the Tibetan people. Otherwise, There can be No more realistic and sincere offer to address the Tibet issue than the One offered by HHDL and CTA. That is MWA. It is offered in the interest of both communities-Tibetans and Chinese. MWA accepts to remain with in the framework of Chinese Constitution and ask for Genuine Autonomy for Tibetan people as granted by the Chinese constitution. I also, like to make it clear that our fight is not against the Chinese People but against the repressive regime in China.
Lastly, I do appeal and hope that the United States giving a leadership and make China accountable for committing genocide in Tibet and Xinchang. I do hope and pray that the efforts of Citizen Power Initiative for China, to democratize China succeed. His Holiness has said, in his Nobel acceptance speech,” In China the popular movement for democracy was crushed by brutal force in June this year. But I do not believe the demonstrations were in vain, because the spirit of freedom was rekindled among the Chinese people and China cannot escape the impact of this spirit of freedom sweeping many parts of the world. The brave students and their supporters showed the Chinese leadership and the world the human face of that great nation.”
The current conference is a testimony to that undying spirit and effort of Chinese people for democracy, human rights, dignity and equality.
May love and compassion prevail and truth and justice Triumph. May all differences resolve through non-violence and dialogue! Thank You!