Release of Our Hymn to His Holiness the Dalai Lama on His 80th Birthday, from Global Chinese Community

Today marks the 80th birthday of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, our great messenger of human peace, and the spiritual leader of Tibet.

To express our respect and love for His Holiness, and help more Chinese better understand Tibetan culture, religion, political and economic situation of today’s Tibet, and its historical truth, we at Initiative for China, a.k.a., Citizen Power for China, have initiated a video project in congratulations to His Holiness, since this June 27

Our aim is to better understand the middle road proposal by His Holiness in order to solve the Tibetan issue, on the basis of peace and benevolence through dialogues between Han Chinese and Tibetan people.

Now we are proud to announce a collection of over 100 messages from those on  Mainland/China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Americas, Europe, and the Pacific, with the professional help from Mr. Hong Wei in making this video project. We are glad to present our final package to the Tibetan leadership in exile, for showing during the global celebrations of His Holiness birthday.

We want to thank you for your kindness and congratulations which are recorded as our joint efforts for reconciliation between Han Chinese and Tibetans,  and our common goal to the pursuit of freedom.

In the meantime, we noticed the increasing hacking against a designated email box for our project, from unknown sources filled with stream of abuse, and we condemn the ongoing abusive behavior.