The two powers are evenly matched in their relations with Hanoi. It matters a lot who comes out ahead.

By Jianli Yang – Dec 23, 2023

The leaders of the United States and China visited Vietnam within three months of each other (September 11 and December 12, respectively), indicating a geopolitical competition in which Vietnam is becoming the focal point of a “love triangle.” Both the United States and China have launched diplomatic offensives. In assessing their gains and losses in the political, economic, and regional-security realms, I believe the current score is tied at 1.5 each.

Political Relations: China 1 point, U.S. 0 points

Both China and Vietnam are one-party authoritarian states with a common ideological foundation. Shortly before his visit to Vietnam on December 12, Xi Jinping wrote in an article in Nguoi Viet Daily News (Vietnamese People’s Daily) that he was about to visit the “socialist” Republic of Vietnam. He stressed the shared ideals and destiny of China and Vietnam, citing the historical comradeship and brotherhood between leaders such as Mao Zedong and Ho Chi Minh. “In the cause of socialist construction, we have learned from each other, expanded cooperation, and together written a chapter of friendly history between China and Vietnam,” Xi wrote. Throughout the visit, Xi stressed the need for China and Vietnam to work together on the socialist path… [Continue Reading]
