The term “self-revolution,” used recently by Xi Jinping himself, is used by the author throughout. It is a literal translation from the Chinese, and is in tune with specific historical events referred to below. Perhaps overall “self-transformation” or “self-remaking” is sometimes more accurate, but we stick with “self-revolution” throughout.

By: Wu Zuolai

The three core essentials of self-revolution in the contemporary political field are:

First, a revolutionary remake of the old political system, and establishment of human rights at the center of the new one;

Second, revolutionize the ruling group and establish the people’s sovereignty based on universal values;

Third, hold the Party and top leaders accountable, and establish the principle that the Party is subordinate to the law.

Without such fundamental changes in the political system, it cannot be called a political revolution, or a self-revolution.

The Chinese Communist Party regime is indeed facing the difficult problem of self-revolution. And without such true self-revolution, it will inevitably trigger a major broad social revolution or collapse. What is Xi Jinping’s problem? He has called yet another internal rectification movement and the elimination of dissidents a self-revolution. The CCP’s rectification movements have always been conducted without the involvement of many top leaders, and the people primarily responsible for social collapse and power-based corruption are the core leaders of the party.

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