Declaration of Unity of 9th Interethnic Interfaith Leadership Conference


APPROVED BY DELEGATES April 27, 2014 Taipei, Taiwan


I. General Principles



1. We, the delegates to the Ninth Interethnic Interfaith Leadership Conference, who are Chinese, Mongolians, Tibetans and Uyghurs residing in various region of the world, including Hong Kong, Mainland China, Macau, Taiwan,  Dharamsala of India, Mongolia, Japan, North America, Australia and Europe, holding diversified beliefs such as Buddhism, Christianity, Falungong, Islam, and other faiths, have assembled in Taipei, Taiwan, at a time of profound crisis as well as historic opportunities to reaffirm our commitment to a democratic future in which the human dignity and human rights of all peoples are respected, fundamental freedoms and social justice are secured, and all peoples live in peace, harmony and prosperity;

我们,来自世界各地出席第九届族群青年领袖研习营的代表们,包括汉、蒙、藏、维等民族的人士,包括佛教、基督教、法轮功 、伊斯兰和其他宗教的信仰人士,包括来自香港、中国大陆、澳门、台湾、印度达兰萨拉藏人行政中央、蒙古、日本、美洲、澳洲和欧洲的各界人士,在面临一场深刻的危机和历史机遇之际,聚集于台湾台北市,再次承诺追求民主,确保各族群人民的尊严和人权、基本自由和社会正义、和睦繁荣;


2. To achieve the above goal, we pledge to consistently respect each other and reach out to each other, and pursue an open, sincere, frank, friendly and continuous dialogue among all parties, regardless of the hurdles, hardships or setbacks that may face us in the future.

为实现上述目标,我们承诺,不管未来道路上有任何障碍、艰难险阻或出现任何波折,我们将始终如一地彼此尊重,彼此伸出援手,进行开放、坦诚 、友好和持续的对话和沟通;


3.  Ours is a time for courage, wisdom, unity, and action. We are united in our focus on the theme of “United to Build a Viable Democratic Opposition: Paths, Roles and Responsibilities.”  This theme serves as our foundation to formulate strategies and action plans to fulfill our hopes and realize our dreams.

我们正处在一个需要勇气、智慧、团结和行动的时代。本届会议主题 ——“协力共建有生命力的民主力量:路径、角色和责任”—— 将成为我们未来工作的中心,并在此基础制定我们的战略和行动计划,以实现我们的期冀和梦想。


  1. We are grateful for the assistance and support of all walks of life in Taiwan, which ensured the success of our conference.



II. Human Rights Situation


5. We firmly believe that human rights and fundamental freedoms are not given by the state but are the birthright of all human beings. These rights are not bestowed by the state and therefore no state shall abridge these rights and freedoms.



6. We are gravely concerned that over the past year, the human rights conditions within the territories of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) have worsened, and violence has increased despite the regime’s claim that China has significantly improved its human rights.

我们严重关切的是,过去的一年,尽管中共政权声称人权得到显著的改善,中华人民共和国境内的人权状况持续恶化, 暴力活动增加。


7. The Chinese regime’s policies in Tibet have increasingly turned more repressive with violent suppression of peaceful protests, arbitrary detentions, travel restrictions, crackdown on artists, and relocation of nomads becoming the routine practice of the Chinese regime. The result is at least 800 political prisoners in Tibet and more than 27 self-immolations by Tibetans in 2013 alone. With the death of the latest protester, 32-year-old Trinley Namgyal, who died on April 15 of this year, the total number of reported self-immolations has risen to 131 since 2009. These self-immolations are in protest of the horrible human rights situation in Tibet.

中共政权对西藏的政策和统治持续残暴:和平抗议被严厉镇压,藏人被任意拘押逮捕,旅行受到严格限制,艺术家遭到无情打压,牧民被强制迁移。这些践踏人权的行为已成为西藏的常态 。西藏目前至少有800名政治良心犯仍陷于囹圄,人民苦不堪言,以至于不得不通过自焚来抗议人权状况的恶化。仅在2013年就有超过27名藏人自焚。最近的一次自焚抗议人士是今年4月离世的32岁的钦列朗杰,使自2009年以来藏人自焚的总数达131。


8. In Xinjiang/East Turkistan, the Chinese regime’s assimilation of the Uyghurs has accelerated. Although the Uyghurs comprise less than 1 percent of the total population of the PRC, more than 50 percent of the prisoners who are convicted of the crime of endangering national security are disproportionately Uyghurs. The Chinese Communist Regime’s intensified drive to repress religious practice and belief among Uyghurs has led to a marked decline for religious freedom in the past year. Under the guise of fighting terrorism, the regime murdered over 100 Uyghurs on the spot and detained many more since last summer. Open discrimination against Uyghurs is the new norm in China. The recent arrest of Uyghur scholar Ilham Tohti, a moderate critic of China’s ethnic policy, on false charges of inciting separatism, is another example of the Chinese regime’s ruthlessness toward the Uyghur people.

在新疆/东土耳其斯坦,中共政权对维吾尔人的同化速度正在加快。虽然在中华人民共和国,维吾尔人不到总人口的1% ,但被定为危害国家安全罪的超过50%以上的是维吾尔人。中共当局对于维吾尔人宗教信仰的强化镇压导致其宗教自由的显著恶化。在反恐的幌子下,自去年夏天以来,中共政权用所谓的“当场执法”杀害了超过100多名维吾尔人。中国普遍存在对维吾尔人的公开歧视。最近被捕的维吾尔学者伊力哈木·土赫提,因温和地批评中共的民族政策,以莫须有的煽动分裂国家罪名入狱。这是中共政权迫害维吾尔人又一实例。


9. The Chinese Communist regime has not only plundered South Mongolias’ natural resources and polluted their grassland where they have herded for generations, but also ruined their identity, culture and language through a destructive policy of massive immigration, leaving only 20 percent of Mongolians on their own land. After serving 15 years of his prison term, South Mongolian human rights activist Hada still has not gained his freedom, and has remained subject to extra-legal detention.

中共政权不仅掠夺南蒙古/内蒙古自然资源和污染其世代游牧的草原,而且还通过大规模移民毁灭了他们的民族认同、文化和语言。目前在南蒙古/内蒙古的土地上只有20 %的人口是蒙古人 。南蒙古人权活动家哈达服刑15年期满后, 仍然受到法外关押而不能获得自由。


10. The Chinese regime continues to refuse to give universal suffrage to the people of Hong Kong, as stipulated in the Basic Law of Hong Kong. Anyone who demands for non-censored voting rights is demonized as the enemy of the state. The majority of Hong Kong people’s will is completely ignored, its free press is eroded and reporters are intimidated and attacked frequently. The extended hand of interference and intimidation leaves them with no choice but to take actions such as Occupy Central to express their desire to remain the master of their own affairs.



11.  Likewise, the Chinese regime continues to manipulate the internal affairs of the Macau Special Administration Region. Although the provisions of the Basic Law of Macao grants Macao residents the right to vote, yet the Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region is only selected by the Election Committee composed of 300 people. Such a process almost deprives all of the Macao people’s political rights to change their government. Meanwhile, Beijing continues to intervene in all aspects of the process to elect the Macao Legislative Council, effectively denying the right to vote granted by the Basic Law.



12. Taiwan’s recent developments, including the new citizens’ movement for deepening democracy is a strong affirmation of positive advances of democracy. The awakening and growth of Taiwan’s younger generation is encouraging and inspiring. The interaction between the ruling party and the opposition, and the tolerance and compromise between the government and the people reflect Taiwan’s democratic maturity. However, the backsliding on Taiwan’s democracy must be prevented in the exchange between the Taiwan government and the Chinese government, and China’s human rights issues must be actively addressed.



13. In China, the New Citizen Movement initiated by Xu Zhiyong, Ding Jiaxi, Zhao Changqing, Li Huaping, Guo Feixiong and others, has spearheaded advocacy of civil society through citizens’ own actions. They went to the streets to demand public disclosure of government officials’ assets and equal education rights for migrant workers’ children. Their efforts met with a ruthless crackdown by the regime, with many of the Movement’s leaders tried and sentenced to prison terms. At the same time, religious groups including Falungong and other disadvantaged groups such as underground house churches and grievance petitioners, continue to face increased repression. Their churches are demolished and various extra-legal detentions are used to silence them. Torture is also systematically used to intimidate activists, and some like Cao Shunli have even lost their life defending basic human rights. Chinese authorities last year conducted a stricter control of the Internet and severely suppressed Internet freedom and freedom of expression through various means.



14. We unanimously condemn the Chinese Communist Regime’s above atrocities against humanity and gross violations of human rights against all peoples.



15. We uphold the principle that the ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of all peoples must be respected, protected and preserved, and that all peoples have the right to freely express, preserve, and develop their own culture and cultural identity without any discrimination and in full equality before the law.



16. We urge the new leadership of the Chinese Communist Party to reverse the regime’s onerous ethnic and religious policies, honor the uniqueness of the ethnic peoples, respect the identity, religion and culture of all peoples, end persecution against all religions, and begin to initiate a reconciliation process with all peoples.



17. We particularly call on the Chinese regime to respond to the good will and kindness of His Holiness the Dalai Lama by re-assuming negotiations with him and the Tibetan Central Administration, and to allow His Holiness to return home with dignity. 18. We strongly condemn the atrocities of the Chinese Communist Regime’s living organ harvesting from FalunGong practitioners, use all media channels to reveal the truth of this horrific anti-humanity crime, and calls upon the international community not to go to China for organ transplants.



18. We strongly condemn the atrocities of the Chinese Communist Regime’s living organ harvesting from FalunGong practitioners, use all media channels to reveal the truth of this horrific anti-humanity crime, and calls upon the international community not to go to China for organ transplants.



19. We re-affirm non-violent principle in our struggle for democracy and human rights, and unequivocally oppose all forms of violence, especially violence against innocent civilians, and strongly encourage and advocate ethnic and religious tolerance and reconciliation towards each other.



III. Strategies and Actions



20. Since a viable democratic opposition is the foundation for a sustainable democracy and is critical to democratic transformation, we undertake to work together in building and developing such an opposition, challenging the legitimacy of the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, breaking down all boundaries and utilizing all available spaces, creating opportunities from political, social economic and cultural dimension through citizen actions, promoting civil society, taking responsibility to lead democratic reforms, ending the one-party dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party through a peaceful, rational and non-violence struggle, and transiting into a democracy as the only system of government.



21. In this endeavor, we will adopt the following joint actions in the coming year:



— Support various activities such as Hong Kong’s Commemoration Vigil Night at the Victoria Park and “Global Prayer Initiative” sponsored by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Tutu and Citizen Power for China for the 25th commemoration of the Tiananmen Massacre. These events will express our continued devotion to those who gave their lives for the struggle against government corruption, for economic justice, and democracy in China.

参与或支持诸如香港支联会维园64纪念日,以及公民力量发起、达赖喇嘛尊者和图图大主教支持的 “全球64祷告日”等各种活动来纪念天安门屠城25周年。通过这些活动来表达那些为反对政府腐败、要求经济正义和中国民主的斗争而献身的英烈。


— Create a regular online Interethnic/Interfaith Solidarity Network that utilizes social media to regularly support each other’s struggle, improve communication and exchange ideas. Specifically, the network will focus on the following:

创建一个常设性在线种族间/宗教团结网络,利用社会媒体, 相互支持彼此的斗争,加强沟通和交流。通过这个网络平台


a. Continuing truth campaign about Tibetans’ self-immolations, and help and care for the families and relatives of the heroic protesters, especially in the case of criminalization of family members; call for revoke of the death sentences given to Lobsang Kunchok and Dolma Kyab, family members of the self-immolators.



b. Formulate strategies and plans to end the discrimination against the Uyghurs in China, including refusal of passport issuance, travel restrictions, denial of hotel stay and other discriminatory practices.


c. Take joint action within the network to call for immediately release of prisoners of conscience incarcerated in labor camps, prisons or under house arrest by the Chinese government, with special focus on Ilham Tohti, Hada, Xu Zhiyong, Liu Xia, Ding Jiaxi, Zhao Changqing, Li Huaping, and Guo Feixiong.



d. Use this platform to monitor the environmental situation of Southern Mongolia/Inner Mongolia, and to call for saving and restoring the grassland in the region.



e. Give close attention to, support for and participate in the Hong Kong Occupy Central Movement and pressure the Chinese government to keep its promiseto uphold the “One country Two systems” which is enshrined in Hong Kong Basic Law and by granting a no-censored universal suffrage to the Hong Kong people.



— Form a task force to work on securing support for holding individual human rights abusers accountable under international law, and implementing a global Magnitsky sanction regime that would issue a travel ban and assets freeze against them.



— Seek to initiate an interethnic and interfaith dialogue in Mainland China to promote understanding and cooperation on the ground.



— Demand the United Nations to establish Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in PRC, similar to the one set up for North Korea and its top government officials, to thoroughly investigate all crimes against humanity and gross human rights violations committed by the Chinese Regime, and bring the perpetrators before the International Criminal Tribunal for the prosecution of these crimes, including illegal persecution of FalunGong, other groups and individuals.

要求联合国比照处理北韩政府高层的做法成立联合国调查中共反人类罪行委员会,彻查中共历来重大违法国际人权事件,并将主要元凶提交国际刑事法庭追诉其非法迫害法轮功等其他受害团体和个人的法律责任 。