By: Jianli Yang – March 29, 2021

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is quietly but steadily modernizing its PLA Navy for its political goal of expanding its influence in the far seas in Asia and Africa through penetrative power projection operations, according to a report compiled to help the American Defense establishment to better understand the balance of strategic competition between the United States and China.

The report, compiled by Rand Corporation’s foremost defense analysts Kimberly Jackson, Andrew Scobell, Stephen Webber and Logan Ma, “Command and Control in US Naval Competition with China”, has a section entirely devoted to emerging details of the CCP’s expansionist strategy through its naval arm, the PLA Navy.

The report clearly states that the modernizing plans are directly linked to the CCP’s plans to expand its sphere of influence much beyond Asia. “As China pursues its rise as a global power, it is incrementally orienting its military toward power projection missions that support both China’s core territorial interests and its expanding range of global missions. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has focused on… [Continue Reading]
