Speech at the Rally Commemorating the 64th Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising March 10, 2023 In Front of the...
Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett: Let’s Unite to Tear Down the Digital Berlin Wall Separating the People of China from the Rest of the World
By Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett Speech at the 16th InterEthnic/InterFaith Leadership Conference (Dec.14, 2021) Editor’s...
How to Resist Dictatorship: It’s Time for A Values-Based Economic “NATO”
Dr. Yang Jianli's Speech at the 2022 Conservative Action Political Conference in Mexico Nov. 18, 2022...
Press Release: A Journey to Shine Light on Truth — Dr. Yang Jianli’s book of selected 138 speeches is published
PRESS RELEASEFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Daniel Gong(202) 827-5762dcoffice@initiativesforchina.com Washington,...
We Have Our Answer to the Question: What Will be Tibet’s Future?
Speech by Dr. Yang Jianli at the Rally Commemorating the 62nd Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising In...
Our Solidarity Must Become a Verb
Opening Remarks at the 15th InterEthnic/InterFaith Leadership Conference By Dr. Jianli Yang Washington, D.C. Dear...
UN Watch: Remarks of Yang Jianli at UN Watch Press Conference
Speaking at UN Watch’s press conference today concerning next week’s elections to the 47-nation U.N. Human...
Preventing Xi Jinping’s Dream of a World Dominating Chinese Communist Empire from Becoming a Reality
By Dr. Jianli Yang (Speech at Rally “Global Resist the CCP Protests”, Capitol Hill, DC, October 1, 2020) Seventy one...
Breaking up Xi Jinping’s long-term dream and game of Chinese Communist Empire
By: Jianli Yang Speech at Virtual Side-Event Paralleling the 45th UNHRC Session "China's Weapons of...
Dr. Yang Jianli’s Speech at Victim of Communism’s Tiananmen Square Massacre Candlelight Vigil
A Reflection on Tiananmen, Hong Kong, and the Corona Virus As the worst pandemic in modern history continues to plague...
14th Interethnic Interfaith Leadership Conference Opening Remarks
Dear friends and colleagues from around the world: Welcome to the 14th InterEthnic/InterFaith Leadership Conference....
It’s Time For A Human Rights “Economic NATO”
Opening Remarks at Forum 2000 Panel: “China: Human Rights in the Twenty-First Century Digital Surveillance...