Dr. Jianli Yang Talk at Panel “Responding to the Chinese Model: The Case for a Values-Based Economic ‘NATO’” hosted by...
Jianli Yang: The Flame of Hope Can Never Be Extinguished
Speech at the Candlelight Vigil Organized by Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation to Commemorate the 34th...
Long Live the Freedom Fighters – Dr. Jianli Yang at the 2023 Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy
Opening Remarks for the panel “Tyranny, Oppression and Atrocities in China” at the 2023 Geneva Summit for Human Rights...
Dr. Yang Jianli: Continue to call out and condemn the CCP’s cultural genocide against the Tibetan people
Speech at the Rally Commemorating the 64th Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising March 10, 2023 In Front of the...
Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett: Let’s Unite to Tear Down the Digital Berlin Wall Separating the People of China from the Rest of the World
By Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett Speech at the 16th InterEthnic/InterFaith Leadership Conference (Dec.14, 2021) Editor’s...
How to Resist Dictatorship: It’s Time for A Values-Based Economic “NATO”
Dr. Yang Jianli's Speech at the 2022 Conservative Action Political Conference in Mexico Nov. 18, 2022...
Speech by Dr. Jianli (Doc) Yang at “Diversity of Thought” hosted by Region Nine Development Commission
Make American Democracy Great Again—MADGA Thank you, Nicole, for your kind introduction. On July 27, 2022, as the...
Carry Their Legacy Forward – 33rd Tiananmen Commemoration
Carry Their Legacy Forward Speech at the Candlelight Vigil Hosted by Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation By:...
Dr. Yang Jianli’s Speech at the Rally Commemorating the 63rd Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising
In front Of the Chinese Embassy, DC March 10, 2022 Dear brothers and sisters, dear friends, Today we are gathered here...
Remarks by Dr. Yang Jianli at the Captive Nations Week Summit
hosted by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation Last Tuesday (July 13) marked the 4th anniversary of the tragic...
The International Community Should Not Give the CCP a New License to Act With Impunity
Speech by Dr. Yang Jianli at Global Day of Action on "Boycott Beijing 2022"Lafayette Square, Washington, DCJune 23,...
Tonight, we hold a vigil. Tomorrow morning, we will wind our clocksand begin another day in our fight for freedom and justice.
Dr. Yang Jianli's Remarksat Tiananmen Candlelight Vigil hosted by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation We...