InterEthnic InterFaith Leadership Conference

Dalai Lama Prays for the Honored Dead of Tiananmen Square Massacre

For Immediate Release   Washington DC June 3, 2013 In the early morning of June 4th, marking 25th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square Massacre, His Holiness Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader and a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, issued a statement to pray for...

Lee Teng-Hui, Former President of Taiwan, Supports Global Prayer Day for Chinese Tiananmen Anniversary

May 22, 2014 - Initiatives for China / Citizen Power for China, Washington D.C.   Former Taiwanese President Lee Tenghui issued a prayer for the 25th Commencement of the June 4Tiananmen Square Massacre, becoming a powerhouse for mobilizing support for the global...

Ninth InterEthnic/InterFaith Leadership Conference Held In Taiwan

Ninth InterEthnic/InterFaith Leadership Conference Held In Taiwan Reported by Citizen Reporters: Duan Chao, Cao Jie, Li Zhong and Li Xuemei Organized by Initiatives for China/Citizen Power for China, the Ninth Interethnic / Interfaith Leadership Conference was held in...

Declaration of Unity of 9th Interethnic Interfaith Leadership Conference

Declaration of Unity of 9th Interethnic Interfaith Leadership Conference 第九届族群青年领袖研习营共同宣言 APPROVED BY DELEGATES April 27, 2014 Taipei, Taiwan 2013年4月27日由与会代表于台湾台北市通过 I. General Principles 一、总则   1. We, the delegates to the Ninth Interethnic Interfaith Leadership...

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