International Relations

Democracy Digest: Why China will be in ‘fragile position’ in 2021

Activist Ai Weiwei, who had to leave China because of his dissent with the government policies, told CNN-News18 in an exclusive interview (above) that the country will be in a fragile position next year. He said that nationalism was very recent in...

EU-China Summit: Europe can, and should Hold China to Account

n Dealing With China, The 'European Way' Should Be One Of Courage And Integrity By Yang Jianli & Aaron Rhodes As human rights advocates, we are appealing to European Union member states to condition trade relations with China on specific improvements in China's...

The Hill: US takes steps to stop China’s abuse of Uyghurs – as should other countries

BY JIANLI YANG AND LIANCHAO HAN, OPINION CONTRIBUTORS06/17/20 12:00 PM EDT On May 27, the House of Representatives passed the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020, voting overwhelmingly to sanction Chinese government officials responsible for internment camps in...

The Hill: Beyond Xinjiang’s camps, China threatens Uighurs globally

By Dr. Yang Jianli & Dr. Han Lianchao It's well known that China uses its vast surveillance network to monitor its ethnic minorities, including Tibetans and Uighurs. But leaked documents - the Karakax list - from the western region of Xinjiang show that across...