By: Yang Jianli The hunt for the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic must continue. That is the lesson learned after the...
International Relations
Providence Mag: US Commission Report Reveals China’s Transgressions
By: Jianli Yang - February 25, 2021 With each passing day, the US-China rivalry intensifies as Beijing struggles to...
CPIFC Calls for Signatures on Petition Demanding Full Transparency Regarding WHO’s Recent Trip to China to Investigate Origins of COVID-19
For Immediate ReleaseCitizen Power Initiatives for ChinaFebruary 18, 2021Washington, DCContact: Dr. Jianli Yang Today,...
Book Launch and Discussion
International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) and Initiatives for China jointly held a press conference on March 9 to launch...
Petitioners' Survey to the UN Human Rights Council
As a United Nations member state, the People's Republic of China is bound to uphold the Universal Declaration of Human...
Human Rights Groups Launch UN Action Project
Initiatives for China, International Campaign for Tibet, the Uyghur American Association, Southern Mongolian Human...
Xi Jinping Comes to Washington: A Weasel's Courtesy Call
February 15, 2012 | By: Han Lianchao Washington, D.C., February 15, 2012. According to Hudson Institute...
An Open Letter to President Obama
Dear Mr. President: We strongly hope that, in your talks this week with Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, you will...
Your Pain is My Pain and Your Freedom is My Freedom
By: YANG Jianli Speech at the Tibetan Rally in front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington, Feb. 8 ,2012 Last Friday,...
The Chinese Government's Untrustworthy Diplomacy
By: YANG Jianli February 5, 2012 On February 4, 2012, the Chinese permanent representative to the U.N. Li Baodong,...
Civil Movement in China gradually draws international attention
By: YANG Jianli Jan. 21, 2012 Last Wednesday (January 18, 2012), U.S. Ambassador to China Gary Locke had an interview...
Václav Havel, 1936-2011
Václav Havel 1936-2011 Charter 77 Dissident, Human Rights Activist, and former President of the Czech Republic Vaclav...