International Relations

Forum for Religious Freedom Europe: Huawei enables China’s grave human rights violations

Religious Freedom Organization Urges European Governments And Citizens To Boycott Firm Providing China With Technology Used For Repression Vienna, 11 August 2020 - The Forum for Religious Freedom-Europe (FOREF), a Vienna-based nongovernmental human rights...

The Theory of “Herd Immunity” is One of the Main Reasons for the Failed Global Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Jianli Yang             When the COVID-19 outbreak first occurred in Wuhan, China, few people thought that this epidemic would have such a significant impact in the West. This is certainly related to the fact China covered up the outbreak and misled the world in...

Newsweek: India Successfully Gains Allies While Confronting China

By: Dr. Yang Jianli China seems to have put into action one of the dictums propounded by Sun Tzu in The Art of War, viz. "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak." China's weakness came to the fore when it failed to effectively handle the...

News Mobile: The Red Alert: China’s sister-city alliances are more politically-motivated than it appears, here’s the reality

By Jianli Yang - July 26, 2020 China has been promoting sister-city alliance between selected Chinese cities and cities all around the world, ostensibly to promote people-to-people connectivity. But apprehensions have been expressed that Chinese motivation exceeds the...