International Relations

WashTimes: Top Chinese leadership knew about COVID-19 and knowingly suppressed information

By Jianli Yang and Hu Ping - - Wednesday, August 26, 2020An Aug. 19 New York Times story claims that a new U.S. intelligence report says top officials in Beijing were in the dark in a good part of January on the true dangers of the coronavirus. This conclusion is...

Statement on Athenai Institute’s Latest Effort on Banning the Confucius Institute in the United States

August 24, 2020 We applaud Athenai Institute's effort to push for nation-wide State legislatures on banning The Confucius Institute in the United States of America. The Confucius Institutes funded by the Chinese government and carrying the CCP agenda have no place on...

Research Report: Top Chinese Leadership Knew About and Suppressed Covid-19 Information

Citizen Power Initiatives for China (CPIFC)Contact: Daniel GongTel: +1 (202) 827-5762Email: Citizen Power Initiatives for China is releasing a comprehensive report on Monday, documenting how the global COVID-19 pandemic,...

WashPost: A WeChat ban will hurt ordinary citizens. There are better ways to hold China accountable

By: Times Wang & Yang Jianli 8/12/20 Times Wang is the founder of North River Law PLLC, a law firm focused on litigation related to human rights. Yang Jianli, a former political prisoner of China, is founder and president of Citizen Power Initiatives for China. ...