International Relations

CPIFC Calls for Signatures on Petition Demanding Full Transparency Regarding WHO’s Recent Trip to China to Investigate Origins of COVID-19

For Immediate ReleaseCitizen Power Initiatives for ChinaFebruary 18, 2021Washington, DCContact: Dr. Jianli Yang Today, Citizen Power Initiatives for China (CPIFC) launched a worldwide petition on The petition, addressed to Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Chairman of...

Washington Times: China’s PLA is involved with BGI Group, world’s largest biotech

By: Jianli Yang - February 17, 2021 Advancement in genetic engineering and biotechnology have wondrous utilization in medicine yet also frightening implications, including for military affairs. In a new discovery, China’s biggest biotech company BGI Group (Beijing...

The Hill: Are former Trump officials in hot water, or are China’s sanctions just hot air?

By: Jianli Yang - February 15, 2021 In January, within moments of President Biden’s swearing-in, China announced the imposition of sanctions against senior officials from the outgoing Trump administration. These sanctions were imposed against 28 individuals — and...

Op-ED: China acts to plug the Hong Kong-UK exodus

By Yang Jianli China is scrambling to retain its sovereign control over Hong Kong as Regina Ip, a member of the Legislative council of Hong Kong, has issued well-drafted threats to revoke the Chinese nationality of citizens who wish to migrate to UK through their...