Rule of Law in China

Labor Conditions in China Continue to Deteriorate – The Example of the Pearl River Delta

China, which already ranks second in the world in total GDP, should not repeat the tragic fate of the working class in the early days of capitalist development in the 19th century, especially in socialist China, which currently claims that workers are the leading...

Transitional Justice: The Only Way for China’s Democratic Transition

Thirty-five years ago, although China’s information technology was extremely backward, young Chinese people were able to absorb various knowledge from the outside world through the cracks. Thirty-five years later, although China’s information technology is at the...

The Things I Saw in April – June, 1989 – Part 5

Editor’s note: This is the fifth in a series of articles written by someone deeply involved in the events leading up to June 4, 1989. The events in this installment begin after the replacement of Zhao Ziyang with Li Peng as China’s prime minister, and the latter’s...

The Things I Saw in April – June, 1989 – Part 4

Editor’s note: what follows is another in a series of remembrances by a participant in the events leading up to the June 4, 1989 Beijing massacre. Here, the author talks about events in middle May, 1989, when the authorities are desperate to get the students of...