(5th Interethnic Interfaith Leadership Conference)


Adopted by Delegates of the 5th Interethnic/Interfaith Leadership Conference

Trinity University, Washington, D.C., October 2009


We, the delegates to the FIFTH INTERETHNIC / INTERFAITH LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE, reflecting the diversity of regional, religious, and ethnic groups under the rule of the People’s Republic of China, do declare our support for the following principles, which will govern our words and actions as we pursue our common desire to bring justice, the rule of law, and mutual respect for us all:

1. Commitment to nonviolence and peaceful discourse in the expression and pursuit of our rights and freedoms as human beings, distinct nations, and religious groups

2. Rejection of Inflammatory, demonizing, and divisive rhetoric, which only breeds violence and mistrust

  1. Cooperation in the development of constructive actions which support truth, understanding, mutual respect and good will between all individuals and religious groups, and results in a stable, just, and equal society for all. Specifically, we pledge cooperative action toward achievement of the following:

• Communication freedom

• The freedom of departure and return to homelands as prescribed by international law and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights

• The right to legal redress of grievances under the rule of law, without government subversion of the judicial process. In particular, we call for an independent, open, fair, judicial process for cases related to the events of 3/14/2008 and 7/5/2009.

  1. We urge all organizations, corporations, and political leaders to vigorously support and advance our commitment to these principles in the conduct of their activities with the government of China.

Approved by acclamation on this day,
October 10, 2009


1, 在争取个人以及各民族、各宗教、各地区的权利和自由的过程中,坚守和平非暴力的行动原则;



– 推动资讯传播自由;

– 争取世界人权宣言第13条所宣示的所有流亡人士回到自己家园的权利;

– 推动所有案件,尤其是与3・14事件、7・5事件直接相关案件的公开公正审理,争取民众在法治原则下请愿和申诉的权利。

