Countering the CCP in a New Era: Our Joint Strategy in Light of Election 2020 and COVID-19
Organized by Citizen Power Initiatives for China, Sponsored by Taiwan Foundation for Democracy
Closed Door Online Conference
November 18, 2020
8:00 am – 3:00 pm (Washington, DC.)
9:00 pm – 4:00 am (Beijing / Taipei)
10:00 pm – 5:00 am (Tokyo)
6:30 pm – 1:30 am (New Delhi)
12:00 am – 7:00 am (Sydney/Nov. 19)

Featured Speakers
A Brief Introduction to InterEthnic/Interfaith Leadership Conference
The InterEthnic/Interfaith Leadership Conferences, founded by Dr. YANG Jianli, president of Citizen Power Initiatives, with guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, began in 2000. The 2020 assembly will be the 15th in the series. Past Conferences have been held in locations throughout the world, including Boston, Washington, D.C., California, Taipei, Dharamsala, India and Tokyo, Japan.
The Conference Series seeks to advance mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation among the diverse ethnic, religious, cultural, and regional groups directly involved with the People’s Republic of China. It also aims to explore universal values and the common ground supporting a united front to advance democracy and human rights for all. The broadly defined ethnic, faith and regional groups represented in the Conference include Han Chinese, Tibetans, Uyghurs, Mongolians, Christians, Falun Gong practitioners, Muslims, Buddhists, People from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. As Dr. YANG Jianli said in his opening speech of the initial Conference on Oct. 2, 2000, “It is the first time in history that leaders from these ethnic, religious, and regional groups have come together without coercion, to stand up together for justice, liberty and love without fear and hesitation.”
In the past 19 years, the Conference Series has involved more than 1,300 young leaders from these groups, world leaders, scholars, human rights activists and NGO heads. Participants have been committed to embracing human rights as a universal value. They have united as one in the vision for a democratic future and have shown commitment to nonviolence. They have been committed to maintaining close communication, exercising tolerance and forgiveness toward each other, eliminating hatred, resentment and misunderstanding, pursuing truth, accomplishing reconciliation and loving one another. The Conference has provided a critical counterweight to the “divide and conquer” strategy of the CCP and seeks to empower young leaders to use the tools and strategies of nonviolent resistance, social media techniques, and unified citizen power in international advocacy. These Conferences are based on the belief that only the diverse peoples themselves, through “citizen power,” can bring about a democratic change needed in China, but that the international community also has an important supportive role to play. To this end, we promote and implement programs that educate, empower and unify the peoples directly involved with China and connect them with freedom advocates around the world. Through the cooperative spirit of these assemblies and the work on joint projects and campaigns in between the conferences, a strong coalition has been forged among these ethnic, religious and regional groups. The Conference has become the single most important united forum for planning and pursuing a peaceful transition to democracy in China.